- Raspbian as of 10/Dec/2016 this will download you Raspbian Jessie with Pixel (Pi Improved X-windows Environment, Lightweight) desktop
- Etcher v1 for Darwin x64 to flash Raspbian into the SD card. Visit main site for more info
- SDFormatter to format the SD card
Configuring Raspberry Pi Zero to Emulate Ethernet Over USB
Once you flash the Raspbian image onto the SD card then:
- Open a file at the root of the mounted drive called config.txt
- Add the following line at the very bottom: dtoverlay=dwc2
- Open a file at the root of the mounted drive called cmdline.txt
- Add the following line after the rootwait parameter: modules-load=dwc2,g_ether
- Create a file called ssh in to the root of the mounted driver, the file can contain any text you like, or even nothing at all: touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
Note: SSH will be disabled by default on the images from version 1.1 (2016-11-25-raspbian-jessie, Raspberry Pi reference 2016-11-25). When the Pi boots, it looks for the ssh file; if it finds it, it enables SSH and then deletes the file.