LAN Turtle offers a handful of useful Modules to the end user such as sshfs, meterpreter-http, urlsnarf, dnsmasq-spoof and more, the drawback is that if you try install and configure all of them then you most likely will be left with no space: “fatal: write error: No space left on device”
…with the most space hungry module being that of Responder/QuickCreds and one of its dependancies (git). At this point you have two options, a) either install whatever module you need and delete whichever you dont or b) use the below script
ssh root@
mount -o rw,remount /
cat <<EOF >
opkg update
opkg remove git
opkg install unzip
opkg install python-openssl
opkg install python-sqlite3
cd /tmp
rm -fr /tmp/Responder
rm -fr /tmp/Responder-master/
rm -fr /etc/turtle/Responder
wget -q -O /tmp/ --no-check-certificate
unzip /tmp/
mv /tmp/Responder-master/ /etc/turtle/Responder
rm /tmp/
rm /etc/turtle/Responder/.gitignore
rm /etc/turtle/Responder/LICENSE
rm /etc/turtle/Responder/
rm /etc/turtle/Responder/
chmod +x
(to go back to the Ncurses style text-based menu, navigate to QuickCreds or responder and configure or start)